
The Gospel is about transformation-the transformation of our lives by the life of Christ within us. We have to ask ourselves: Do our lives reflect the grace,truth, and love we have received through Christ?* *shine

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Location: Honduras

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Day of Love and Friendship

I just love the fact that Valentines Day in Honduras does not focus solely on
romantic love but the love of friendship as well.

We had a special lesson at the Sunday School Outreach. We spent our two hours talking about how we show love to God, to one another, to friends and family, and how they are all connected.

The bible is full of verses that talk about all kinds of love.

We were making a bulletin board to hang up at the church, we passed out two hearts to decorate, one to give to someone special and one to hang up in the church.

Well let the decorating begin, I tell you watching these children get so excited over the most simple of projects, markers and a few shiny heart stickers, does something to my heart. I love watching their sweet little eyes shine and their grins of pride break across their little faces when I praise their work. When I take a minuet to bend down to their level and take a wet, crumpled heart in my hands and tell them how beautiful it is and how I am going to hang it up for everyone to see, they giggle and blush and you see pride sparkling in their beautiful eyes.

And you know what........they are beautiful and even if I say it 100 times, I mean it every time, because I an not really seeing a paper heart..........I am seeing the heart of a child.

What an awesome responsibility and a blessing to hold a child's heart in the palm of my hand and I pray that I always handle them with love and care.

I know that when I hold up my broken, crumpled and wet heart up for Jesus he will hold it in his hands with love and care.


Blogger Kath said...

Finally! I have a way to keep up with you....please drop a line from time to time...(I know you still have my e-mail) We miss you and think of your family so often. Hopefully, we won't lose touch. Love you much, Kath

7:17 PM  

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