We are so excited!!
We are finally able to start building the kitchen for the feeding center. As we have been telling everyone for the last few months we have been wanting to build a kitchen in which we can prepare food to

feed the children of Mololoa. As most of you know we have been spending a great deal of time working with the

church in the community of Mololoa. That community is one of the poorest that we have been working in. Over the last few months we have been door knocking and inviting people to church on Saturdays, we have been helping families with different needs, we have been able to provide food, clothing, and shoes to some families. We were able to help numerous

children attend school this year. We have been able to provide transportation and help with medical care. We

were able to help a family get back on their feet by supplying child care. We have had kid days where we have a bible lesson, arts and crafts, a fun movie, singing and lunch. We have developed close friendships with several families and have had many enjoyable days with the children.

When we first started going to Mololoa church there

was four adults. Last Sunday we had 33 adults. It is so awesome to see the church growing. Mariso (one of the Baxter students) has been going up to Mololoa almost everyday and has home bible studies and is working on the land for the classrooms. We have been so blessed to be able to spend our time serving the

Lord. We have also been blessed to have friends and family who want to be involved in this work with us. Little did many of them know that when we were called to this ministry that they

would be drafted as well. Without our home-crew we couldn't do what we do. Randys mom and grandmother take care of all of our paperwork, bills, and all

that fun stuff, as well as running errands and keeping out lives in order. Sheri

works tirelessly with Randy on real-estate, often doing more that her share of the load, Paul puts out information and raises money for the different projects that we are working on. Central Church of Christ is putting their Sunday morning sermons on line to help us to be challenged and to help keep us learning and growing.

Rod Myers is keeping us updated and connected to everyone. Kenny Stewart fixes our computers time and again so that we can stay in touch with everyone.

Everyone that has come to our home and stayed with us, it is such a joy to visit and spend time with our friends and family(you're always welcome).

And all of the people that are praying for us and all that we are trying to do here. We know that we are being lifted up daily in pray and it strengthens us. There are so many people that are here for us and I hope and pray that everyone knows how much you all mean to us and how much we thank you for helping us to be here.

I am afraid that I got off of the subject a little. The children of Mololoa are very needy. Their physical needs are clothes, shelter, education and food.

What we are working on now is feeding the children.
They are hungry.

We have decided to build a concrete block kitchen in which we can prepare enough food to feed 300 children a day Mon-Fri to start with. We have been studying a program that is up and

running in another community that is feeding 500 children every day. With the help of Joe we were able to observe the way that they run that

program, their menus, their shopping list, how they are set up and how they run the day to day operations of the program. They have been more than kind and it is such a great help to have an example for us to build on.
The kitchen will be a 20x20 block building with tile floors and all of the necessary equipment to run the feeding program. We do not yet have any supplies for the kitchen, but we have a list. We are going to serve the children in the church building. We have two tables and we are hoping to get more built soon. The church

already has chairs. There are several women in the church who will volunteer to cook and clean. Jennifer Arnold has some great ideas on the running of the kitchen. her help and impute is invaluable. We will continue to work on the day to day details of running such a program.

We have priced many of the necessary items and will be putting out a list of needed items that can be donated. Our dear generous

brother Terry has agreed to allow us to use his container that is being shipped from Florida at the end of this month. We are hoping that we will receive many of the items on the list as donations. Used items in good condition are appreciated as much as new items.
The actual cost of the food an

d water for the kitchen will run us about $1000.00 per month. We have derived at these figures based on the expenses that the other kitchen has incurred on a monthly bases. We are looking for monthly or one time donations for the cost of the food and water(there is no water available in Mololoa, so we will have to have it brought in every week.)

The need of the children in this community are great. We need the prayers and support of everyone. God has led us to this area and has provided us with the funds and opportunity to build this kitchen. We are asking everyone to look into their own hearts and if you are felt drawn to this ministry and would like to help in anyway please contact us by e-mail or in the comment section.
The thought of providing a nutricious meal for a hungry child is such a joy to my heart. Thank you to everyone who has done so much for us and for the people of Honduras.

Okay, continue to check this blog for the next several weeks, because we will continue to add to the following list.
Food processor
Water cooler that holds 5 gallon jugs
Commercial size pots and pans
Mixing and serving bowls
Cooking utensils
Cutting boards with heavy duty knives
Plastic plates, cups, and bowls (for approx. 400 kids)
Paper products (paper towels, etc.)
Salt and pepper shakers (plastic)
Dish drainers
Plastic storage tubs (all sizes)
Plastic Tupperware (all sizes)
Ziploc bags (all sizes)
Large trashcans
Trash bags
Liquid anti-bacterial hand soap (lots)
Dish soap
Fire extinguisher
Shelving units to store food and supplies
2 big Igloo drink coolers with spouts
Mops, brooms, buckets
Cleaning products (liquids and scrubbers)
Towels, rags, hot-pads
Hair-nets and disposable gloves
3 pad-locks with the same key
If you are able to help, please respond in the comment section and/or E-mail me. Terry is sending a container at the end of April, which is ideal for our desired opening in May/June. We will post exact dates as soon as possible for when the container leaves Miami. We don't mind used items as long as they are in good condition. When you look at this list, think LONG-TERM. Most of these items will be a continual need. We appreciate your help in providing nourishment for hundreds of children daily. Love ya, Jen and the Kluges