I do. I forget how much he wants to bless us and how much he wants us to prosper. How he wants only the best for us. Sometimes I am only looking and thanking him for one star instead of seeing the whole night sky twinkling with his glory.
I do. I forget how much he wants to bless us and how much he wants us to prosper. How he wants only the best for us. Sometimes I am only looking and thanking him for one star instead of seeing the whole night sky twinkling with his glory.
So I was praying for the Manna Project. We only have three paid employees and it is just not enough. We need more help but at the same time we need more money to pay for more help. So I have been praying for enough money to hire another person.
Terry had his December trip. The group came over to the house for New Years Eve. I was sitting and talking to a man I had not met before this trip, Greg. He was asking about the
kitchen, well if you get me started.......
So anyways I was talking about our volunteers, we have three women who have been volunteering everyday for months. They are always there. They do any job that needs done. They stay until it is finished and the don't make a penny. They eat at the kitchen. That's it a whole days work for a meal. They never ask to be paid and they never complain. Veronica, a sister in the church is pregnate with her fourth child. She is kind and sweet and takes home the scrap food for her chickens. Xiomara is 21 and has a young son, if you saw her you would guess 30. Life has been hard. Katie is 14 and has a 9 month old baby girl. Just a baby. They ask for the scrap food from the plates for their dogs, I think that it is for themselves. It is so heart breaking to watch a little girl pick through trash with a baby on her hip to find food. Well I told Greg all about the ladies and how when we finally raise the funds it will be hard to chose who to hire. He said he would mention it to his home congregation.
The group left and we were sad to see them go. I miss everyone when they leave.
Sunday morning at Church was busy and wonderful. Leo and Sebastian have been hard at work in the community and there was a lot of joy in the air. The singing was wonderful. Sunday school class was fun and busy and the best part came when one of our young men decided to be baptized. Delmar is an out going young guy. He is 12 years old. He was in our class for quite a while.(his mom is Veronica from the kitchen) He is the first person from our Sunday morning class to be baptized, and I am so thrilled. I will miss him in class but I know that it is time for him to receive more meat and I am hoping to watch him grow into a leader in this church and this community. Well to say Sunday was a good is a bit of an understatement.
I was still pretty fired up when I got home so I went to work on some of my Sunday school lessons. I decided to check my e-mail and there was a nice thank you note from Greg. The group had eaten breakfast everyday and a couple of dinners here because the kitchen was closed at the mission house. We loved it. But anyway in the note he said that his church wanted to help, not by paying the monthly salary for one woman, but for all three!!
I was blown away. I read the letter and the ran down stairs and woke Jen up to share the news.
I came back to e-mail Greg and lost the Internet for 4 days.
Okay so I was only asking God for one. He said you need three, why do I only seek the least when he wants my cup to run over?
So we told the ladies, we told them that we were sorry that we couldn't pay them, Katie said it wasn't important. Then we told them the rest of the story. Veronica was so quiet, do you still want me even though I am pregnant?
Yes! Delmar came to me and thank us for hiring his mother and said he would be there to help. Katie was bouncing up and down in her seat and clapping her hands like a 14 year old girl. Xiomara was crying, she had been kicked out of her home that very day, she has a young son, and no job. Gods perfect timing.
So I thank God for my cup running over. I thank him for people like Greg who listen and see and are not afraid to ask, and for the members of his church who didn't place a limit on God but is letting him freely use them.
I have been blessed beyond measure...