What can your pocket change do? Let me share a few pictures of what a little change can do………
As a lot of you know and I have written about in the past there is a holiday here called Day of the Child. It is similar to Mothers Day but obviously for children.

This year we had several different celebrations, one at the kitchen and the other with our Sunday School Class.
For the children that come to the kitchen we celebrated on September 10th, the actual Day of the Child. We had a lunch of Honduran enchiladas (fried tortillas topped with hamburger meat, potatoes and chismol) the children love them and they are one of our more popular lunches. I really like them myself. We had coke instead of kool-aid and then we had chocolate cupcakes with white frosting and chocolate sprinkles.

To add a little sugar to the mix we passed out goodie bags full of candy to take home. It was a busy day with lots of excitement in the air. It was a real treat to have such a special lunch and treat. We served over 200 children. In fact we ran out of food and had to make spaghetti for the last hour. I tell you after such a busy day I was pooped.

We also gave gift bags to the children of the ladies who work in the kitchen, as you can imagine working with these children every week for the last two years they have a special place in our hearts. I loved the excitement they all had at getting a gift.

On Sunday we planned a special time with our class. It was Jens first Sunday back after about six weeks and so that made the day special in itself. Well we started by praying and singing a few songs. Then we got down to the party, we set up the room around our TV and put on Finding Nemo. As all the little ones settled down to watch we got busy serving lunch.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ( a whole sandwich each!) a bag of chips, cold coke and then a piece of yellow cake with rainbow sprinkles. What a fabulous lunch and treat for the class. As you can imagine a hundred or so kids can get pretty noisy in one room. But as they started eating the noise level fell and lunch was enjoyed. While I did not have a sandwich I did test the cake and can report it was very good. After lunch we watched some more of the movie and then had a chance to give each of the kids goodie bags.

It was a busy day but one that was filled with surprises and treats that the children will remember for a long time.

As you can see your change can make a difference. This day was provided by the collection of pocket change by Palmetto Church of Christ. I received a call about 10 days or 2 weeks before the Day of the Child and was ask what I thought about collecting change just one Sunday to do something for the children. Well I thought that it was a terrific idea.

So they ask everyone for their pocket change. I want to say thank you to everyone who gave and all of those who rolled and to those that are always thinking and praying for ways in which to help the children here.

Many of these little ones would get nothing on this day. When you are a mom trying to come up with a way to even feed your child I am afraid that these things fall by the wayside. That doesn't mean that they do not want to do something to celebrate their child it just means that basic necessities come first.

Thank you for making it possible to bring a little joy to the lives of the children here.

We also gave gift bags to the children of the ladies who work in the kitchen, as you can imagine working with these children every week for the last two years they have a special place in our hearts. I loved the excitement they all had at getting a gift.

So they ask everyone for their pocket change. I want to say thank you to everyone who gave and all of those who rolled and to those that are always thinking and praying for ways in which to help the children here.