How many times have we all been told as children to clean our plates? Over here cleaning your plate has a whole different meaning.
It means even if your little belly is full finish everything because it might be tomorrow before you eat again.
It means even if you do not like it finish everything because eating food you do not like and being full beats going hungry any day.
It means taking the time to sit and feed your baby sister/brother every bite they will take even if your friends all run off to play without you because food is more important than play.
It means walking down the mountain and then over the river and up to the kitchen, no matter how cold or hot, how windy or rainy it may be to have lunch.
It means picking every single grain of rice up with your fingers.
It means tipping your bowl back to get the last drop of soup.
Watching these little ones have the chance to clean their plates means the world to me and I want to say thank you to all of those who continue to fill up these little plates.