Happy Birthday Gustabo!
As many of you know we have a very special family here that we have kind of adopted. (more about them later) Oneida is the mother of two children, Gustabo (6) and Katrin(2). This past Tuesday- January 24- was Gustabo's 6th birthday and we wanted to do something special with him.

We decided to rent the playground at KFC. This is an awesome playground. Three stories high with a soccer field on the top floor. It is all indoors and air conditioned. For $35.00 you have use of the playground for three hours, invitations, stickers, the area is decorated with balloons and you have two employees to help you. I think that is a pretty good deal. Oneida was so surprised and thankful that she began to cry. Gustabo had never had a birthday party before. Gustabo is a sweet and shy little boy and he was just about to burst with excitement.

The older boys all went to the top floor to play soccer. Randy managed to squeeze up the curvy slide to the top floor to play with the boys. Katrina loves playing soccer up there and even with her hurt ankle (accident involving a beanbag, area rug and a puppy) she managed to hobble

The younger children spent most of their time climbing up and sliding down, hollering and chasing each other around and around the play area. The littlest of the bunch threw balloons in the air and slid down the little slide over and over again until you got dizzy watching them.

The party was coming to an end. Kids put on their shoes and gathered their chicken and candy to take home. We had help taking the kids home (Thanks Jen and Katie) and some people took the bus home. I think that the best part of having the party at KFC is that they do all of the clean up. We drove up to Mololoa and all of the children tumbled out of the truck. We helped Gustabo home and Onedia thanked us through tears for the best day Gustabo had ever had. Not just the best birthday, but the best day.
What a wonderful life we have, we get to go out and spend the day playing and loving children.