Oh me of little faith...........
I am guilty. I often start to think about problems from only a worldly point of view and I forget that our God is a God of miracles and blessings.
As many of you faithful blog readers know we have been helping the last couple of years to get children in school. We firmly believe that by getting an education that these children will have more opportunities than their parents. We are trying to help in a number of ways.
Public education. We know that in the states it is not a perfect system. We complain about overcrowding, lack of programs, violence in schools. There are many valid complaints.
Over here it is a little different. Each child must pay a small fee for school. They must buy their own text books, school supplies and even some class room supplies such as a roll of toilet tissue, markers for the teachers, small towels. And the uniforms. Shirt, pants/skirt black dress shoes. You have to have it. They also have to have a PE uniform (our children don't have them and therefore do not participate in PE) So no uniform and supplies=no school.
Overcrowding is a huge problem. They have 2 to 3 school periods a day lasting about 4 hours each. Morning, noon and afternoon. You would think that there would be plenty of room with 3 shifts. Nope. The schools are now full and will not take anymore children, so if you are not in yet you are just out of luck until next year.
Last year we started a scholarship program with the help of Joe. We would buy a uniform, pay the fee and buy supplies for a child. The child and their parents fill out a short form agreeing to keep a 75% average, attend class regularly and have a good attitude. We then take the sizes and school supply list and purchase all needed supplies. This ran about $50.00 per child. We received numerous donations last year and were ready to go this year as well, but the funds just did not come in. Well we worked with the little money we had and were able to put a few children in school. Many others ask and we had to tell them we do not the funds, but if we get them we would help.
I felt really bad seeing little ones that were hoping to go to school asking everyday if we had any money for school. I had pretty much given up for the year. I was determined to ask earlier in the year next January and I prayed that next year we could help some of these little guys.
Then one day I sat down at my computer and there was an e-mail from South Trail church of Christ. I have been working with Diane Adams but not really in contact with anyone else in the church so I was quite curiose. Can you guess what they wanted? Yep that's right to help with the scholarship program. Not next year but right now! They immediately put a check in the mail for $500.00. That is 10 kids, yes 10. I was so excited. Jen and I took this list we had and started shopping even before we had the money in hand. We began going to the schools and literally begging them to accept the students.
We shopped around, compared prices, told people what we were doing asked for the best prices, went through the lists and bought in bulk were we could. We were determined to use this money in the best possible way.
We filled out paperwork and took photos. After about 10 kids I ask Jen (quite fearfully, thinking I had overspent) what do the receipts add up to? She put it in the computer pushed the button and.................. just set there looking puzzled. "What?" "How much?" "Okay I know we bought a lot of stuff but it can't be that bad." I was already telling Randy about it in my head, "Well honey it was a really good price, she really needed shoes too, it's for a good cause, just think of the little ones in school, just look at these cute little pictures." (hint always break out the cute little pictures as a last resort, they are a very powerful weapon and should be used with caution)
"So tell me the news Jen. I am ready." Wellllll we have spent not quite half the money!
"What? How is that possible?" We have helped a lot of children. We were so excited we headed out to shop some more determined to spend it all on the children. We took more names, filled out more forms, took more pictures and then added it up again. Yep you guessed it only about $100.00 higher.
As many of you know I have a lot of experience in this area and waving a red sales sign at me is like waving a red flag at a bull. But this was crazy, it seemed the more we helped the more we could help. This is impossible.Then I remembered **For nothing is impossible with God(Luke 1:37)
Overall we were able to help around 21 children with supplies, uniforms, shoes, and or fees. Because South Trail heard of a need, prayerfully considered it and then took action there are now 21 more children in school today.
I don't know how to say thank you in any other way than to share some of the smiles on the faces of the children. I know that you do not expect an earthly thank you and that you did not do this to be seen by man for your own glory, and I first thank God for your congregation and their willing hearts but I do want to extend a special thank you from my heart as well. I had given up on support for the children for this year. I had no faith in collecting the needed funds. God not only showed me that he had not given up this year but that he could take 5oo dollars and spread it around to meet our needs (kind of reminds me of the loaves and fishes). It was a valuable lesson for me. My bible verse this week is: "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:19-21

I am guilty. I often start to think about problems from only a worldly point of view and I forget that our God is a God of miracles and blessings.
As many of you faithful blog readers know we have been helping the last couple of years to get children in school. We firmly believe that by getting an education that these children will have more opportunities than their parents. We are trying to help in a number of ways.
Public education. We know that in the states it is not a perfect system. We complain about overcrowding, lack of programs, violence in schools. There are many valid complaints.
Over here it is a little different. Each child must pay a small fee for school. They must buy their own text books, school supplies and even some class room supplies such as a roll of toilet tissue, markers for the teachers, small towels. And the uniforms. Shirt, pants/skirt black dress shoes. You have to have it. They also have to have a PE uniform (our children don't have them and therefore do not participate in PE) So no uniform and supplies=no school.
Overcrowding is a huge problem. They have 2 to 3 school periods a day lasting about 4 hours each. Morning, noon and afternoon. You would think that there would be plenty of room with 3 shifts. Nope. The schools are now full and will not take anymore children, so if you are not in yet you are just out of luck until next year.
Last year we started a scholarship program with the help of Joe. We would buy a uniform, pay the fee and buy supplies for a child. The child and their parents fill out a short form agreeing to keep a 75% average, attend class regularly and have a good attitude. We then take the sizes and school supply list and purchase all needed supplies. This ran about $50.00 per child. We received numerous donations last year and were ready to go this year as well, but the funds just did not come in. Well we worked with the little money we had and were able to put a few children in school. Many others ask and we had to tell them we do not the funds, but if we get them we would help.
I felt really bad seeing little ones that were hoping to go to school asking everyday if we had any money for school. I had pretty much given up for the year. I was determined to ask earlier in the year next January and I prayed that next year we could help some of these little guys.
Then one day I sat down at my computer and there was an e-mail from South Trail church of Christ. I have been working with Diane Adams but not really in contact with anyone else in the church so I was quite curiose. Can you guess what they wanted? Yep that's right to help with the scholarship program. Not next year but right now! They immediately put a check in the mail for $500.00. That is 10 kids, yes 10. I was so excited. Jen and I took this list we had and started shopping even before we had the money in hand. We began going to the schools and literally begging them to accept the students.
We shopped around, compared prices, told people what we were doing asked for the best prices, went through the lists and bought in bulk were we could. We were determined to use this money in the best possible way.
We filled out paperwork and took photos. After about 10 kids I ask Jen (quite fearfully, thinking I had overspent) what do the receipts add up to? She put it in the computer pushed the button and.................. just set there looking puzzled. "What?" "How much?" "Okay I know we bought a lot of stuff but it can't be that bad." I was already telling Randy about it in my head, "Well honey it was a really good price, she really needed shoes too, it's for a good cause, just think of the little ones in school, just look at these cute little pictures." (hint always break out the cute little pictures as a last resort, they are a very powerful weapon and should be used with caution)
"So tell me the news Jen. I am ready." Wellllll we have spent not quite half the money!
"What? How is that possible?" We have helped a lot of children. We were so excited we headed out to shop some more determined to spend it all on the children. We took more names, filled out more forms, took more pictures and then added it up again. Yep you guessed it only about $100.00 higher.
As many of you know I have a lot of experience in this area and waving a red sales sign at me is like waving a red flag at a bull. But this was crazy, it seemed the more we helped the more we could help. This is impossible.Then I remembered **For nothing is impossible with God(Luke 1:37)
Overall we were able to help around 21 children with supplies, uniforms, shoes, and or fees. Because South Trail heard of a need, prayerfully considered it and then took action there are now 21 more children in school today.
I don't know how to say thank you in any other way than to share some of the smiles on the faces of the children. I know that you do not expect an earthly thank you and that you did not do this to be seen by man for your own glory, and I first thank God for your congregation and their willing hearts but I do want to extend a special thank you from my heart as well. I had given up on support for the children for this year. I had no faith in collecting the needed funds. God not only showed me that he had not given up this year but that he could take 5oo dollars and spread it around to meet our needs (kind of reminds me of the loaves and fishes). It was a valuable lesson for me. My bible verse this week is: "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:19-21