
The Gospel is about transformation-the transformation of our lives by the life of Christ within us. We have to ask ourselves: Do our lives reflect the grace,truth, and love we have received through Christ?* *shine

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Location: Honduras

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Does Satan ever throw stumbling blocks in your way?

I have found that he throws them in mine and the only thing I can do is run to the Father.

I hate it when I am deceived about someone, when I place faith or trust in someone and I later find out that they are not the person that I thought or that their motivation is not pure.

Now don't get me wrong we all are imperfect and I know that I have struggles in my own life. I continue to pray and to get into God's word, lean on brothers and sisters and just depend on the Lord's strength. I know that I can get through anything with him by my side. Nothing is too big, no one is too strong or powerful, nothing I can't overcome through faith.

That said it is still hard. I believe that one of Satan's most powerful weapons is gossip. Oh how we love to talk. Even if something is the truth I feel you must weigh it very carefully, look at your motivation in telling the tale, is this to help or harm, build up or tear down. As you know the tongue is quite powerful. I have found myself on both ends of the tongue and I know the hurt and I have hurt others and for that I am truly sorry.
I do try to bridle my tongue and speak only to build up but it is hard, especially when you feel maligned and betrayed. How easy is it to lash back how hard it is to stop and trust God to bring it all to light in his time.

I pray that if someone is a stumbling block for you that you look at their motivation, sometimes it is a misunderstanding, sometimes it is fear or jealousy, other times it is just evil and they only hope to destroy.

I think by looking at their motivation it can help you know how to handle different situations in a way that can bring healing, respect, and even glory to the father instead of tearing down.

Now there will always be those that are not looking for healing but for selfish ambitions or pride and those you have to leave in the fathers hands.

If you hear rumors, even from those you trust, check them out, people can be misinformed and the longer the rumors run the greater the damage.

So take a minute before you speak, ask God's discernment, remember to build up and not tear down and God will see you over those stumbling blocks and the truth will set you free.

This is very personal to me but I felt an overwhelming urge to share with my friends and family. I feel torn between wanting to lash out at a certain party and leaving it in God's hands. My pride is rearing its head and telling me to defend myself and go on the offensive. I know that God is my defender and judge and that he will bring all to light in his time but my human side is pouting right know. So please lift me up in prayer to wait upon the Lord and lift up the other party as well.

Thank you.


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