
The Gospel is about transformation-the transformation of our lives by the life of Christ within us. We have to ask ourselves: Do our lives reflect the grace,truth, and love we have received through Christ?* *shine

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Location: Honduras

Saturday, November 03, 2007

One man's trash is another child's treasure……….

The other day a huge truck came out to Mololoa and dumped a load of trash down the side of the mountain. Now this is nothing unusual. Trucks of trash will just pull up, back up and dump.
After the truck comes then the children come. They scurry down into the trash and begin collecting anything of use.
They all collect wood scraps, tin, concrete pieces; wire any thing that might be of use to their family.
You see the littlest children sitting and watching their families "pile of treasures" as the older ones make trips back and forth to their homes.

Wednesday I was out in the community and it was two days after a trash truck had come but there was still a group picking through the remains of the trash. They had their little hard hats and great big smiles.

I passed out some candy and we talked for a bit about how lucky we were that the trash truck had come and dumped all of this good stuff.


Blogger Ben Cooper said...

Just when I get to feeling sorry for myself when I don't have the latest and greatest gadget or gizmo or whatever....God uses your experience to give me a firm slap across the face, and help me realize I'm a foolish, self-centered, selfish human being, and I need God to help me change that, cause it's not working doing it my way.
Thanks to you and your family for all you do and sacrifice for the Kingdom.

8:05 AM  

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