Belki’s BoysYou have all heard me talk about Belki and her boys. They are 8 month old twins. Jefferson and Christopher. The boys have been sick with a horrible rash and breathing problems but are doing much better after a few trips to the clinic and some medication.
Belki was married to a Police officer that left her and the boys shortly after they were born. She was living in a house she could not pay rent on and no prospects for helpinsight. I don’t know how we met her. I just know God brought us together at the right time and for his purpose and glory.
Palmetto group built her a house and then the Loco Gringos moved her in. These men were touched by her plight and her lack of material possessions. Everything she owned in the world fit in the back of a little Mazda with plenty of room left over for people to sit.
If you had seen this truck driving down the road in the states you would have thought it was headed for the dump. In fact it was a time of celebration as she was moving into a new home and was no longer worried about being put out on the streets.
She quickly bonded with Nenci and the two became fast friends. She still has the fact that she hasn’t been able to find steady work due to the fact that she has two infants and there are few opportunities for women, and women without and education and “nice” clothes have even less of a chance at gainful emplacement.
A few people in the states have decided that they would help ease her burden by helping supply milk and food and even some medical care for the boys. I don’t know what she would have done without the help. When babies only drink sugar water in their bottles because it is the only thing the mother can buy it is heartbreaking to say the least. When they are covered in pus oozing soars and cry with pain, but there is no funds for doctors or medication it causes an ache within you. When you look into black eyes that are swimming in tears and feeling each little ragged breath as they try to breathe you feel so helpless.
When I delivered the box of milk she immediately made bottles for Jefferson and Christopher the boys latched onto them making these little humming sounds. They were drinking so fast that milk was dribbling down their chins and they would choke themselves.
You may ask why? Why doesn’t God do something to help? He did. He made me and he made you and together with Christ we can do something, something awesome and amazing. We already have….Jefferson and Christopher went to sleep the other night with no pain and full bellies. All praise and glory to the Father.