We have planted watermelon in our little garden, I am praying over this small patch of dirt in hopes that it will help provide for our kiddos!
The Gospel is about transformation-the transformation of our lives by the life of Christ within us. We have to ask ourselves: Do our lives reflect the grace,truth, and love we have received through Christ?* *shine
Friday, May 23, 2008
We had oranges at the kitchen last week.
We try to have fruit about twice a week.
We buy whatever is in season so we can get the best prices.
Watermelon is a big hit as are cantaloupes,pineapples, and bananas. We never have grapes or apples. The children would love them but they are expensive. It is very hard to balance good nutrition and our budget.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
She has a name ---Tatiana Karina.
It took a while for her mom to decide and she kept changing it. But we are sure now, her mom said this is it, she went and put it on the birth certificate and paid for it.
By the way she is the best little baby ever, a great disposition, she never cries, she lays in the bed smiling and playing with her hands, big eyes looking all around. 
Monday, May 19, 2008
Katrina has set me up a youtube account. I will try to get some videos up or have Katrina do it for me.
This first one is from the Sunday Outreach, we sing head, shoulders, knees and toes in English and Spanish. I noticed Alexander last week. He just kind of does it his way.
Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I do!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Valerie, Carla, Rachael and Kelsey,
I thought you might want to see the finished bulletin board you started with the kids.
We have been working on creation for a month and each week we would work on a different day or two of creation.
We started with a big blank blue canvas and each week we would add to it.
Glittery stars in red or green, fluffy cotton clouds, every color bird imaginable.
We have purple fish and orange elephants.
Blue trees and yellow turtles.
While the kids version of creation may not be true to life it is no less beautiful.
Can you just see God painting our skies in majestic colors, coloring the wings of a butterfly in tones that rival the most precious jewels, flowers in every shade from the deepest most saturated colors to the most delicate pastels. His imagination knows no bounds and was unlimited. His creativeness was endless. As we grow older we lose some of the wonder of this beautiful world and we reign in our imagination.
What a shame.
When we are told we must be like little children to enter into the gates of heaven I think that in large part it is to believe that with God everything is possible. Even creating something so complex and perfectly balanced as our amazing world from nothing.
The kids love to stand and look at their work and they proudly show it off during the week to their friends and parents. I think it is a great opportunity for the children to teach their friends about what they are learning every week.
Take the time to look at a sunset, follow the path of a butterfly, smell the richness of fresh cut grass, make a wish on a falling star and look for the man in the moon.
Nothing is by accident and it was created for our enjoyment by an awesome God.
When we are told we must be like little children to enter into the gates of heaven I think that in large part it is to believe that with God everything is possible. Even creating something so complex and perfectly balanced as our amazing world from nothing.
The kids love to stand and look at their work and they proudly show it off during the week to their friends and parents. I think it is a great opportunity for the children to teach their friends about what they are learning every week.
Take the time to look at a sunset, follow the path of a butterfly, smell the richness of fresh cut grass, make a wish on a falling star and look for the man in the moon.
Nothing is by accident and it was created for our enjoyment by an awesome God.
I wanted to say a special thank you to South Trail church of Christ for their generous donation to our Sunday Outreach program.
As I blogged here while back we work with anywhere from 50 to 70 kids every week. http://klugezone.blogspot.com/2008/04/sunday-afternoon-outreach-every-sunday.html
We were pretty much running on empty financially. We don’t have a whole lot of overhead but we do need ink, paper and craft supplies as well as a snack every week. South Trail donated the funds that we needed and as usual God is faithful to meet all of our needs when we ask.
14Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14 (New International Version)