
The Gospel is about transformation-the transformation of our lives by the life of Christ within us. We have to ask ourselves: Do our lives reflect the grace,truth, and love we have received through Christ?* *shine

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Location: Honduras

Thursday, November 15, 2007

BOBYes this is an opossum, it has been "invited" into the house twice now by the dogs.

The first time it jumped up as soon as I put the dogs in another room and ran out of the house.
The Second visit it decided to look around for a while. I was laying in my bed reading when I noticed that the dogs were really excited and running around and jumping on and off the bed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and went to stand up when I noticed Bob.(Katrina named him, after all he looks to be a frequent visitor and she thought he should have a name to go by). WEll I pulled my legs up and started screaming. Katrina ran into my room and ask what was wrong so I pointed out the little ball of fur. She ask if it was dead. I didn't know but I wasn't getting out of bed to check. At that minute one ear popped up which sent Katrina up on my bed and me into screaming fits. I called for Jen and Bob got up and started to look around my room. Alora put the dogs in her room and Jen ask what I wanted her to do. Well I insisted that since she was from Tennessee that she was more qualified to ask Bob to leave. She looked pretty sceptical after all Nashville is not exactly a mecca of wild animals. I did manage to convince her to be the fearless leader in ridding our home of Bob. She and Katrina armed themselves with pool cues and tried to encourage him to leave.

I am sure that he was terrified. But he decided to make a bathroom stop( I don't blame him, I know how hard it is to find a decent bathroom in Honduras) Alora thought about helping but ended up running and sitting on top of a chest.

He finally got tired and just strolled out the back door which I quickly ran and locked. I tell you what I can do without late night visitors!


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