The newest member of the kitchen family has arrived. She still doesn't have a name but she sure has a sweet disposition.

She was born on March 5,2008. She was a couple of weeks early due to Keidi taking a fall. Both mother and daughter are fine.

She is so tiny that Katrina and Jen are a bit afraid to hold her. Katrina holds her but feel as if she might break her and Jen just says not yet.

I hold her every chance I get. She is just a little bit of a thing. Her sweet little body snuggled up to mine. Her tiny arms stretch out and her face scrunches up as we dare disturb her rest. I know that she will be catching up on some weight soon, every time you brush her little cheek she turns that head looking for food.

Keidi is so young, Just turned 16 last month and her daughter Suani just turned two. She has not had an easy life and I worry about her. She is a very smart young woman, she attends English class with Jen and picks up things so fast.
She is a very hard worker and thanks to the church that sponsors her she has been able to provide for her family. She will always do the jobs that no one wants with a smile and positive attitude. She is very young but she is devoted to the care of her children.

It breaks my heart to see her giggling and being silly with Katrina ,who is six months older than she is, acting like a teenage girl and then she hears her babies and it is like magic. Her face changes her body language changes, she becomes a mother and leaves the little girl behind as she goes to tend her little ones.

She brings Suani to Sunday Outreach and sits and helps her. But I see a thirst on her face and as the class progresses Keidi is raising her hand to answer the questions and working on the craft projects. When she first came I thought she would be able to help me with the children but I see now that she wants to be in the class as well and while she is older than the norm bringing Suani lets her feel that she has a reason to be there.

I wish that Keidi had the time to be a teenager without the worry of how to feed her family, without the worry of being a mother, without the worry of being with a man the last three years who is abusive. I would love to see her giggling and listening to music with the girls instead of nursing a baby, hauling water or scrubbing toilets.

But that is not what is. So we make the best of reality. Keidi has a good job and she loves working in the kitchen and with the children, she has become a dear piece of my life, she gets plenty to eat in the kitchen, we are working on her self value, she is a loving and concerned mother.

It is my prayer that God will watch over this child of his, he will continue to provide for her, and that she will see that she is a treasure of a great price.