
The Gospel is about transformation-the transformation of our lives by the life of Christ within us. We have to ask ourselves: Do our lives reflect the grace,truth, and love we have received through Christ?* *shine

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Location: Honduras

Monday, July 23, 2007

Bear Hugs are being sent out to the children of Central church of Christ in Sarasota.

In July when a group came from Sarasota they brought a bunch of teddy bears stuffed at their VBS to give to our children here in Mololoa.

The children loved receiving a

gift from the children in the states.

But what really made the difference was that the group brought a bunch of bears for our children to stuff. I can tell you that my kiddos had a great time stuffing the bears and I loved watching them.

What was really important was that for a change our children here were making something to give to the children in the states. They don't have many opportunities to give to others.

The children here are very giving, but they have limited resources. I have been given numerous bunches of flowers, beads, little notes, a pretty rock, just little things that are as precious as the most beautiful jewels. What makes them so special is that they are giving from their hearts. I hate taking the small treasures from them but I know that giving them to me is a great source of joy and pride for them. It reminds me of the widows mites.

I can not tell you how happy it makes the children to be able to do something for someone. It was really a special day for all of us watching the children giggling and stuffing the bears, taking special care to make sure the arms and legs were stuffed well and the Velcro fastened.

So here is a super big bear hug to everyone at Central Church of Christ who made it possible for my children to know the joy of giving.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


A safe haven in which children can find

FeMorZa is a combination of the words for faith, hope and love in Spanish. The inspiration for this name came from the verse 1st Corinthians 13:13.

We want to share our faith, impart the hope of a future not only here on earth but in heaven and to show our love for the children and more importantly our fathers love for the children.
To be able to share with these little ones that they have a father who loves them beyond our limited imaginations, a father who desperately wants them, a father who is always there for them. This is going to be the greatest responsibility of my life and it is going to change these little ones lives. Most of these guys have a negative picture of a father, someone who may or may not want you around, someone who comes and goes as he pleases, someone who is not there when you call, someone you can not depend on or run to when you need them. I pray that we can show them that they do have a father who is waiting for them to run to him, he is waiting with his arms open wide and they already have a special place in his heart.
I am getting a little ahead of myself. There are so many details that have to be worked out and so much work to do, money to raise, connections to be made. So very much to do but as I know now more than ever this world is just a small place and our God is an Awesome God who can do anything, so I will leave this in his hand and pray that he will use me. It is a hard prayer, have you ever prayed for God to use you? If so you know that is only the first step, next you have to actually let him do it his way and in his time. Big scary step, letting go. By letting go we are saying we trust him and on the same hand when we try to hang on to our lives we are saying we don't trust him. So trust God, he loves you more than you could ever imagine, let go and let him love you the way he wants to Lavishly, honestly, truthfully, endlessly, honorably, completely, …………………………..(how do you think God wants to love you?)We are well on our way to opening FeMorZa to the community of Mololoa. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and if you would like to assist this ministry in any way contact us.

So many people thank me for what I am doing here.
I feel like such a fraud.
How can I accept thanks for getting to live an amazing life and serve an amazing God?
I am the one who is thankful,

Thankful to a God who has put me in this place and chosen to use me of all people.
Why? I have no idea.
There are others so much more qualified, more eloquent, more knowledgeable, more spiritual, just plain more everything and yet
here I am.

Thankful to friends and family who lift me up in prayer,
prayers for strength and wisdom, prayers that rise daily to our father
and he has been faithful to answer.
I know without my prayer support some days I could not go on.

Thankful to those who have donated their funds to the work here
and have entrusted me to spend the money in the way that they have dedicated it to be spent.
I always offer to send the receipts for all of the funds
but so often people say that they trust me and that it is not necessary.
I pray that I will never fail their trust
and that they know that I view this money not as theirs or mine
but as Gods and I will serve to the best of my ability.

Thankful to those who come to stay with us and work here.
I love have the chance to share the work that God is doing
in the community with others,
to watch them fall in love with the children,
to make friendships with the adults
to have a special time to be used by God and to be filled back up with God.
It is a joy to serve side by side with my brothers and sisters.
Thankful to those who email and comment on the blog and to me personally.
Sometimes that outside voice of encouragement is a light in the dark.
Thankful to those at home who silently work behind the scenes
to get the day to day boring things done
that have to be done in order for us to be here doing what we do.
Do they know that they in turn are serving God?
No it is not the spotlight job,
but the foundation of any building is the most important
and our foundation is solid and strong because of friends and family
who freely give their time and energy to help keep things running while we are not there.
I am thankful for the opportunities that I have been given in this life
and for the eternal life I will one day have in heaven
because my savior chose to give his life on a cross for me.
I have been blessed beyond measure,
my joy knows no bounds,
I am set free,
I am loved
and I have been chosen. (So have you)
Remember you were made to love God and to be loved by him.

Have I ever told you how awesome our Sunday school class is?

We had a dedication ceremony last Saturday to celebrate the ground breaking of the building site. Part of the celebration was a program by the children.

I guess I should start at the beginning. The Family that had donated some funds for FeMorZa wanted to see the community and the site so we decided to have a party.

We had the children make giant posters to decorate the walls, they also made the programs to hand out. We really focused on the children because that is what this was about, so while it was not a real sophisticated setting it was a heartfelt one.

Jennifer was our host and started by welcoming the Palmetto church of Christ from South Carolina. Next came the stars of the show.

Out Sunday school class. They were all dressed in new yellow and blue shirts and carried yellow flowers. They have been practicing for a
While and were nervous and excited. They started of saying "God is good, all the time, All the time, God is good" in Spanish and in English. Next came a few songs including head, shoulders , knees and toes in English and This is the Day in Spanish and finally in English with everyone joining in. I tell you what I was so pleased at the proud looks on their little faces when all of the "gringos" where clapping for them.

Next I watched as each one of them gave their flower and a hug to a very sweet lady Mrs. Phyllis Claypoole from the church in South Carolina( they loved her white hair).

They finally went to sit in their seats for the rest of the program. They were terrific. Yes sure we had a few glitches such as Mercedes and Christian beating each other with flowers and one of the mothers talking to her son(telling him to untuck his shirt) during the middle of the program, but that is part of what makes us who we are, just a big family. Not perfect, but happily doing our best.

Next came a few words from some mothers who were literally shaking in their shoes. They spoke of what a difference it will make in their lives to have a safe place for their children to go and learn so that they can get a job to support themselves and not have to constantly beg for food.

The English class quoted 1st Corinthians 13:13 from memory.

Finally I blundered my way through a thank you speech, we presented each other with photos and then we prayed for a bountiful feast prepared for us by the ladies at the Manna Project since five in the morning. The food was really amazing and I believe that everyone enjoyed it.
It was a long and wonderful day with laughter, praises, singing, joy, tears, hope and love.

Yep my kiddos did great but as always we give God the glory.

Well I have been home for about 2 weeks or so and I am completely wiped out. Since the moment I got off of the plane I have not stopped. I am so sorry about the lack of communication and I could make a thousand excuses but the truth is just I have been beat and sleep verses blog, well as you know sleep won hands down.

When I got off of the airplane (after reporting my luggage had not arrived) I was surrounded by friends and family. I truly felt like a movie star. I know everyone was wondering who I was. I had babies in my arms, children hanging on my legs, women throwing themselves in my arms with tears of joy. It was great to be home. I think heaven will be a lot like this, a terrific homecoming.

I am so happy to be back in this overcrowded, dirty, smelly third world country that I was giddy. I know it makes no sense how I could not wait to be here after leaving the beautiful state of Florida, but then again when does love make sense?

Now I am not in love with the dirt, smell and overcrowding but I am crazy in love with the people and the opportunities that I have here to help meet not only physical needs but spiritual needs as well and to have my needs met at the same time.

Why did God place this desire to be here in my heart? I have no idea, but I do know that they say home is where your heart is and until I get to heaven this is as close to home as it gets for me.